Buttock augmentation
Buttock augmentation
Buttock augmentation, also referred to as gluteal augmentation, is the surgical procedure, which aims to improve the contour, shape and size of your buttocks. It can be done by means of buttock implant insertions. It can also be done by fat grafting alone, AKA Brazilian Butt lift (BBL) or sometimes depending on your needs, it can be carried out as a combination of the two, namely hybrid buttock augmentation.
Who could benefit from a buttock augmentation?
To undergo surgery is a very private affair. Make sure this is what YOU want to have done!! Do not allow others to encourage you to under go this or any other surgery. You could benefit from buttock augmentation if you are unhappy with the shape, size, projection or symmetry of your butt.
You should be of sound health and have realistic expectations regarding what is achievable safely.
Evaluation for buttock Augmentation:
Your surgeon would want to know why you would like to have this procedure done and what are your expectations from buttock augmentation. Apart from a detailed medical history, during a buttock augmentation consultation your butt size, shape, projection and your overall figure will be evaluated and discussed. Your skin quality will also be taken into account. Photographs will be taken and the options available to you will be discussed.
If you are to under go a BBL or a hybrid buttock augmentation then your surgeon will also be keen to identify fat donor sites best suited to your needs. Make sure you point out which part of your body you find the fat hard to shift. This could be your tummy, sides or your thighs. Depending on the amount of available fat a number of sites may be earmarked for liposuction as suitable fat donors sites for lipofilling.
During the consultation types of buttock implants and their placement in relation to your buttock tissue and muscle will be discussed. It is important that you understand all aspects of your planned augmentation and if unsure make sure to ask questions.
How is buttock Augmentation done?
Surgically one can enhance buttock size, shape and projection by mean of either implant insertion, fat transfer or a combination of the two depending on your needs and presentation.
The procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia. There are various incisions that can be utilized for implant insertion, the most common being hidden in between your butt cheeks. Other options are incisions placed at the top –not ideal as visible- or just below both your butt creases. The incision will allow for preparation of implant pocket between your muscle layers. Drains are inserted prior to implant insertion and the incision closed with removable sutures.
In case of fat grafting augmentation of the buttock, namely BBL, again general anaesthesia is the best course of action unless a very limited procedure is planned. Liposuction is carried out with the help of special harvesting cannulas. The fat is processed and grafted according to pre-operative markings into the fat layer in your buttocks. In cases of fat grafting, the result may take a good few months before being final as some initial swelling does occur. The swelling will subside over the course of few weeks. This does not mean that the procedure was unsuccessful, although it is expected that some grafted fat will also be reabsorbed over that period, but the majority should remain in place for good (60-70%).
The result of BBL is more natural, subtle and offers less of a projection than implant insertion. Also there is a limit to the amount of fat that can be SAFELY grafted. That means augmentation may not be to the same extent as implant insertion, which is why sometimes it may be necessary to repeat the procedure –up to 3 times- to achieve the desired result. The advantage however is that complications associated with buttock implant insertion are avoided.
Please be advised that the grafted fat can grow or shrink in size in line with your body weight fluctuations. This mean if you loose weight, your buttocks may also shrink in size or vice versa.
The above principles apply in case of hybrid –i.e implant insertion plus BBL- augmentation.
Risks associated with buttock augmentation, BBL or hybrid augmentation!
Apart from possible risks associated with general anaesthesia, as with any surgery there is always a risk of bleeding, haematoma, DVT and pulmonary embolism and poor wound healing. More specific risks related to buttock implant insertion include infection, fat necrosis, wound dehiscence, intractable pain and seroma formation – fluid collection. Late complications of buttock augmentation include implant mal-positioning, implant leakage, implant rupture and thick capsule formation.
In cases of augmentation by means of fat transfer or hybrid augmentation one has to contemplate additional risks in relation to fat grafting. This includes liposuction-associated risks –DVT, fat embolism and pulmonary embolism.
Please be advised that implants are prone to wear and tear. Regardless of type and manufacturer it is prudent that you carry out annual check up as well as consider changing the implants after 10-12 years.
Recovery following buttock augmentation
You will stay overnight following surgery. There will be a drain –plastic tube- coming out of each side if you have had implant inserted, which will collect excess fluid/blood. These are typically removed the next day before discharge. Your buttocks will be swollen and will remain so for the first 2-3 weeks, the swelling subsiding gradually. Pain and discomfort typically does not last more than 5-7 days. Also the fat donor site will be tender and swollen for a good few weeks. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers and any other medication deemed necessary for you. The special compression garment provided will have to be worn for 8 weeks. If you have had fat grafting as part of your buttock augmentation, you should avoid prolonged sitting for the first two weeks. You are also encouraged to sleep on your belly for the said period. During the first two weeks you should avoid driving, strenuous activity or any sudden movements. Sutures will need removing after two weeks. Exercise should be avoided for the first 6-8 weeks depending on your recovery. Following surgery you are expected to return to us for follow up visits after a week and then again at 2 weeks, 3 months and 12 months.
How much does it cost?
Buttock augmentation with fat transfer
Buttock augmentation with implant
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