Calf augmentation
Calf augmentation
Calf augmentation uses specially designed silicon implants and aims to increase your calf size, shape, symmetry and contour.
Who could benefit from a calf augmentation?
To undergo this procedure is a very personal choice; it is important that the decision to undergo calf augmentation is yours and yours alone. You could benefit from calf augmentation if you are unhappy with the size or the shape of your calves. This may be due to them not having ever fully developed or perhaps not having developed symmetrically- the same on both sides. You may also consider this procedure if you feel your calves do not have adequate muscular bulk compared to the rest of your legs.
Evaluation for a calf augmentation:
Apart from a detailed medical history, during a calf augmentation consultation your calf size, shape and the contour of your lower legs will be evaluated and discussed. Your skin quality will also be taken into account.
During the consultation types of calf implants and their placement in relation to your calf muscle will be considered. It is important that you understand all aspects of your planned breast augmentation and if unsure make sure to ask questions.
How is calf augmentation done?
Prior to calf augmentation surgery you have to make sure you have had a full blood test. The procedure is usually carried out under general anaesthesia. The incision is placed strategically a few cm just below your knee to ensure it is not too visible. A pocket is prepared, usually just over the muscle but within the muscular fascia. The implant is then inserted and the fascia and the overlying incision are then closed with absorbable sutures.
Risks associated with calf augmentation!
As with any surgery there are the possible risks associated with general anaesthesia, as well as risk of bleeding, haematoma, poor wound healing and infection. More specific risks related to calf augmentation include implant displacement, pain in the back of your legs particularly related to heavy exercise and seroma formation – fluid collection.
Recovery following calf augmentation
You will stay at the hospital overnight following surgery. There may be a drain –plastic tube- coming out of each side, which will collect excess fluid/blood. These are typically removed the next morning before discharge. Your calves will be swollen and will remain tender for the first couple of weeks. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers and any other medication deemed necessary for you. During the first four weeks you should avoid excessive movements. Sutures are absorbable but the knots may need removing after two weeks. Exercise should be avoided for the first 8 weeks depending on your recovery. Following surgery you are expected to return to us for follow up visits after a week and then again at 2 weeks and 3 months.
How much does it cost?
Calf augmentation
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